
Counter-Mapping Your Neighbourhood

by Beenish Sarfaraz and Luluwa Lokhandwa
Day 3 11am 2 hours English

To be able to move in a world, in a way set, designed and made by and for the patriarchy is itself a revolutionary act. To be able to resist is important but, what comes after? Then comes the act to create.

Creating to assert agency. Creating to recognise their own sound. Create to be seen, understood and give courage to others to do the same. Create for hope. Create from a space to re-imagine or imagine beyond what has been or is possible for feminists in the now and of the future.

The key question that this workshop will revolve around is after feminist resistance, what are we creating? In order to create empowering futures, we have to use our creative muscle, our imagination and situate ourselves in our environment, within our communities. This workshop will help us create a relationship with our surroundings using mapping as a tool.

(Boardroom 3, first floor)

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